How To Invest in Property: Top Tips For Property Investment

1. Knowledge

Understanding that market is paramount to success. The property market continues to evolve, and so it’s important that you have a solid foundation of knowledge that will help you to keep up with, and understand, these changes. Investing in a property is a big step, and so you need to make sure that you understand what it entails, and whether you’d make a suitable investor. Expand your knowledge by reading plenty of information on the different options available to you.


2. Finding the right time to invest

It’s important to closely monitor the property market to determine the right time to invest. Investing in a property when the market is performing well is a crucial step in setting yourself up for success. Currently, investing in the UK property market appears to be a worthwhile investment – property prices appear to be affordable and are expected to increase over the next few years.

As well as monitoring the property market, you must also consider the right time to invest, on a personal level. You should ensure that you have enough money to invest and that you are financially stable. Organising and assessing your finances before investing in a property is crucial to understanding whether you can afford to invest.

3. Strategy

Planning your strategy is fundamental in your success. A strategy that is popular amongst investors is buy-to-let or buy-to-sell. A buy-to-let investment strategy refers to the purchase of a property with the purpose of renting it out to tenants. By renting it out, the investor – or the landlord – will then receive an income from the rental payments that the tenant makes each month. This strategy is one of the most popular given its potential long-term benefits, such as a consistent cash flow and passive income. As for buy-to-sell – or property development – investors will purchase a property for the purpose of selling it, for a profit. When the property has been purchased, investors will then spend time transforming the property with improvements and refurbishments. This will then increase the property value, allowing investors to make a profit once the home is sold.

You should take time considering which option suits you best, to generate a profit quickly, buy-to-sell is considered a worthy investment. However, for long-term benefits and growth, as well as a consistent cash flow, many investors favour buy-to-let as it allows you to earn a rental income over a longer period of time.


4. Organisation

To succeed, having a financial plan and being organised will help to optimise the results you achieve.

Many investors make the mistake of failing to think beyond the property price – they do not consider any additional costs that may occur as a result of their property investment. To make sure that you are prepared for all costs, you should make sure that you know which extra costs to expect, and how they fit into your budget and your affordability. For example, you should consider how a property investment will affect your tax payments, and factor this into your property investment budget.


It's also important to not go too big with your first investment. Starting off small may seem tedious but there is no time limit on success. Being sensible and starting off small means organising your finances and knowing your own personal, financial circumstances, in order to make the right decisions. Having this understanding of your finances will ensure that you set yourself a sensible budget, and do not spend more than you can afford. Many first-time investors expect property investment to be expensive, and whilst it can be, there are plenty of affordable opportunities out there that are ideal for beginners.

Lauren Hall