modernistiq developments

Site Acquisition



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We are constantly looking for land opportunities with development potential and would be delighted to discuss your property or site with you.


At Modernistiq, we are interested in sites that could provide new build opportunities or existing properties that could be converted to residential accommodation, from small upmarket developments for 4-10 executive homes, to a 20-40 housing estate through to city centre developments ranging from 20-200 plus units.

With financial resources readily available, a flexible approach and the technical capability, we are able to secure a range of sites, either with or without planning consent.

Please get in touch about any potential sites and we will treat your enquiry with the utmost confidentiality.

✔ PROVEN track record

✔ Strong financial resources

✔ Quick decision-making process

✔ Experienced and professional team

What you can expect

Throughout the process, you can rest assured you’re in safe hands as we manage each stage of the process including planning, construction and sale of property.


+ Initial meeting

We focus on providing our clients with a tailored service, identifying their specific needs and ensuring the best possible commercial outcome. Initially, we look at land registry plans, the surrounding area and urban development plans to help determine key factors such as suitable property types, pricing and target consumer markets.

+ Agree terms to reflect both parties needs

We then present a planning outcome including a worst case and best case scenario, reviewing all costs required to achieve that position whilst managaing your cash flow expectations. We then predict what the profit or land value will be with planning with the inclusion of architect plans, sales figures and appraisals.

Once agreed, should you wish to, we will introduce you to our design team as the client. Design team meetings are for the first 3-6 months and are held every other week. Alternatively, we can provide minutes and keep you updated remotely with all information stored in the cloud for you to access and see what is going on at any stage.

+ Instruct & Obtain Planning if necessary

The planning procedure begins with a pre-application with the city council which is a presentation of what we are intending to submit. A pre-application will help determine how viable and likely a proposed development is, giving clients greater understanding and confidence before proceeding to the next part of the development stage.

A meeting with the council can help signal we are progressing in the right direction and at this point we can appoint cost consultants and start working on internal layouts, design value and engineering the building so it is as efficient as possible and build costs can be monitered closely throughout. At this stage we begin liaising with sales agents, founders and property investment clubs making sure that our exits are in line with the market.

+ Construction Begins

At this point clients opt whether to exit on a land sale or build a scheme out. This will be bank funded or forward funded and carefully monitored by cost consultants who manage the process in its entirety and ensure you as the client are safeguarded from any over valuations.

+ Sale

Sales are then finally made either in bulk to one purchaser or individually. All parties are updated on a monthly basis of the construction programme of when they need to be ready to start their purchase process.

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